The first vocation of 3D WBS method is to structure well a project.
A well structured project (in 3D) allows:
- To manage well the project in terms of costs and time,
- To integrate the projects of the portfolio between them,
- To consolidate the information on the portfolio of projects,
- To sort, filter, group, find easily the information,
- To homogenize the projects between them,
- To link the costs and the time,
- To give clear instructions to the subcontractors for the structuring of their schedules,
- To have very explicit names of tasks,
- To have a freedom to grouping the tasks,
- To turn and turn over the schedule in all the directions,
- To connect the various disciplines of the management of project,
- To have a clear definition of the workpackage,
- To better communicate into the project team,
- To help the stakeholders to read the schedule, understand and visualize what is meant to happen,
- To capitalize the information.